About Us
I AM that which I AM. I AM willing to allow all others to be that which They ARE.
STANDING IN THE LIGHT® is a series of classes channeled from The Office of The Christ that are designed to move humanity forward into Ascension and the end of The Experiment in Duality. Yes, The Experiment in Duality is over. However, mastering that after so many lifetimes in the perceived darkness may not always be as easy as it is simple. As one raises their vibration, they move into higher levels of consciousness, higher level beliefs and understanding of “Universal Truths”. This, coupled with Mother Earth’s higher vibration, enables one to work with the higher vibrational procedures made available to mankind since December 16, 1994. The Christ and the other members of The Spiritual Hierarchy have understood the necessity of separating Universal Truths from the dogma. They have gleaned the most important teachings from the New Age, the world’s Great Religions and the Ancient Mystery Schools to give us the information one needs to maneuver from the 3rd through the 4th and into the 5th dimension to become a fully conscious God-Being and bring an end to The Experiment in Duality. Full Consciousness and Ascension are not for a special few. They are for ALL, and they are for all NOW. To help us understand that Ascension is not about getting off the planet but about bringing one’s God-Self into reality on this planet and transcending the human form to experience oneself as Source, The Christ has given us the following series of classes. No Matter the source and no matter the channel, Divine Truth is Divine Truth. Whether through STANDING IN THE LIGHT® or another path, find your Truth, cherish it and live it. Separating Universal Truth from dogma is a path we all must follow. STANDING IN THE LIGHT® (SITL) offerings are:
- SITL Level 1: The Foundation – a four part series
- SITL Level 2: Moving into Greater Mastery – a four part series
- Online Energy Transmissions
- Private Facilitation
While not under the umbrella of STANDING IN THE LIGHT®, we also recommend a wonderful new experience of Reiki to the planet…EMINENT REIKI™. Reiki has been a gift of healing to this planet for thousands of years, and will continue to be so as new higher frequencies of healing come to Earth. Eminent Reiki™ is one of those. With great love we offer these classes to the world. For some time Spirit has been preparing us for changes in how we reach out to share the information that Spirit has given us to share. With the help of Flash Alexander, we have built this site to help keep you informed of class schedules, changes in our offerings, the beloved new and long-time facilitators and teachers of this process, and teachings that we hope will guide you on your journey back into remembering yourself as the Light. The road ahead may seem long but we are closer than many think to being Home in the Light and re-experiencing ourselves as Source. So many of you are stepping forward into your life’s work, stepping out to share your truth with the world, and stepping out of the closet to shine your light on what has been dark. It is both inspiring and exciting to see so many Brothers and Sisters of Light waking up and sharing with the world who you are.
The Illusion
il•lu•sion n., something that deceives by producing a false or misleading impression of reality.
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The Ahau
When Kris channeled the original I AM SOURCE™ program, she was guided by The Christ to use the 20th Mayan glyph, known as the Ahau, as the symbol for the series.
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