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What Will Carry You Home?

What Will Carry You Home?

“Are we there, yet?” is a common refrain made to parents by excited kids, impatient to reach their destination. We are all spiritual children making our way back Home to our divine state of Oneness. As the outer world shows increasing signs of the breakdown of the illusion, we might find ourselves experiencing doubts that we will make it. Spoiler alert: We will. Some may reach that point sooner and some may have a few more journeys to experience, but we are all going Home.

When my soul wants to remind me of something, I often get a message through a song. I recently had some moments of doubt about humanity’s path to breaking through the illusion. Then, I heard a performance which I knew in the moment was a love song from my Source-Self, reminding me that I will be ushered with open arms to my divine home whenever I am ready to surrender the illusion of my separation.

“Carry You Home”, sung by artist Alex Warren, was written as a romantic love song, but I heard it as a song about divine love. The main chorus goes like this:

Oh, I hope you know I will carry you home
Whether it’s tonight or 55 years down the road
Oh, I know there’s so many ways that this could go
Don’t want you to wonder, darlin’, I need you to know
In this and every life
I choose us every time

This inspired me to ask myself, “Am I choosing Source every time?” With every action, word, thought and emotion, do I choose the wonder and beauty and joy of being Source? Honestly, I do not. Not yet. But I am getting closer each day, and I know that we are all much closer than we may believe right now.

When we choose a higher frequency in each moment, we are making choices which will carry us Home with ease and flow. Ask your soul where in your life you can make a shift in how you focus your energy to bring you closer to your divine home. The highest plan right now might be greater mindfulness in daily activities or detachment from the outer world. You might be guided to slow down and enjoy the beauty around you or to connect with your passion and take your next action steps. Maybe you need a boost in your belief that you’ll return to a state of Divine Home. Trust your guidance.

Know that Source energy is always present to support us when we allow ourselves to open up and align with it. It is this remembrance of ourselves as Source which will ultimately carry us Home. May you experience joy in your journey!

Image by Felix Merler from Pixabay

Are You Feeling Undecided?

Are You Feeling Undecided?

Are you feeling undecided about something in your life? In the current U.S. election cycle, much has been made of the “undecided” voter. Some may truly be undecided as they weigh the options while some may have made their decision but still haven’t fully accepted their choice because they’re still hoping for something “better” to come along. Sometimes, there is something else near on the horizon, and we just need to master a little patience. Other times, we aren’t truly ready to create other options because there is still more to learn from our current situation. Either way, the lower self tends to want a clear answer and a clear direction while our divine selves know there are opportunities for healing no matter what choice is made. With so many things feeling uncertain in the world, this may be a great time to ask yourself if you’re being an “undecided voter” in any area of your life.

I was recently talking to a friend about a significant choice she is considering, and we both shared our sense that a lot of people are wanting things to change but don’t like the options they’re seeing for making change. There is building frustration and a desire to just get things over with and “back on track”, as they see it. The levels of frustration are palpable and many are doing their best to look for different options, but still feeling like the world is just spinning its wheels.

As I watch all of this on the world stage, I have also been looking at areas where I’m still energetically “dragging my feet”, even though my choice in the outer world may already have been made. But if I want my new path to feel as light and uplifting as it has every potential to be, only I can create that experience for myself.

In Standing in the Light® we teach that the circumstances we manifest are a reflection of the energies we’re holding within. If we don’t like our options, then the answer isn’t to go looking for a different one or to try to avoid making any choice at all. The answer is to look within for insight about which unhealed energies are blocking us from connecting with a higher frequency and more joyful experience. The smallest shift within can open up many new doors or allow us to see the existing doors in a whole new light, from the divine perspective. That inner transformation is what changes our experience, not the number of choices we can find in the outer world. If we’re fully committed and in perfect alignment, one door is all we need. Take a moment to ask your soul: What experience am I voting for with my intentions?

Image by Micha from Pixabay

With Love from the Farmer’s Market

With Love from the Farmer’s Market

I visited my local farmer’s market with friends recently. I meant to get some fresh veggies and maybe a little seasonal fruit. As we moseyed through the stalls, however, I ended up buying several hand-crafted items and refreshments at various booths. I genuinely enjoyed each item and felt a connection with each vendor. When I got home, I sat down on my deck to relax and found myself getting misty-eyed with emotion. I wondered, “Why am I crying? I had such a lovely morning!”

Then, I thought of the coffee I bought where their products are advertised as “good for the soul” and a portion of profits go to organizations that bring “more hope into the world”. I bought face serum from a woman who described how much thought she puts into each ingredient for her different potions and shared how much she loved being in her home kitchen/lab creating products that she uses herself. I got a pumpkin spice roll that tasted divine from a fresh-faced young baker who was charmingly enthusiastic about her pastries. My green beans and corn came from the produce stall where they proudly announced that everything was freshly picked that morning. I remembered my conversations with the other sellers I didn’t purchase from but appreciated nonetheless, like the ceramic crafter with the beautifully clever glazed designs which required playing with temperature variations in the kiln. His playfulness with his art created that beauty!

In that moment, I had a very clear revelation: They were each sharing their love with the world. I realized I was feeling a little overwhelmed by the power of that energy. Why would I ever buy something produced with anything less than that absolute love and commitment ever again? I realize this may not be fully practical in our modern world, but it brought home the importance of the energy we put into any of our creations, even if it’s as simple as a cup of coffee or handmade soap. What we bring home into our space or into our bodies or give as gifts carries the energy of the intentions with which they were made.

I invite you to ask your soul if there’s anywhere in your life where you are settling for less than absolute love and joy- not the satisfaction of the lower self/ego but the true divine love of your soul. If something comes along that isn’t a clear “yes”, then let it go with gratitude. Why would we allow anything less than pure love into our lives?

Image by NoName_13 from Pixabay

Adventure Spirit

Adventure Spirit

Whether you jump into new experiences head-first or take a more measured path, moving forward with a spirit of adventure is an important ingredient for fully enjoying life and truly thriving. I was recently reminded why we came into this grand experiment to explore duality. We came for Love. To expand our Love. To deepen our experience of Love. Though we may have forgotten this along the way, everything we create has the seeds of this divine love within. When we create from this perspective, every experience is an adventure in Love.

We don’t have to commit to bungee jumping off bridges or climbing K2 in order to re-connect with the spice of life. It’s important to find your own perfect balance of stretching into the unknown without causing panic. For some, adventure might be introducing themselves to total strangers and striking up a new connection. For others, it might be trying a skill or activity that brings out a new aspect of themselves they may not have felt confident in sharing. When I was very young, my mother enrolled me in gymnastics class. I had the balance and coordination needed but I did not like the feeling of falling backwards into backbends. She switched me to dance classes, where I spent many years happily twirling and leaping through the air- just right side up! That was adventurous enough for me.

I am currently working on manifesting a potentially significant change in my outer world. As we teach in Standing in the Light®, I’m starting with receiving my vision for the divine plan from my soul. I was recently working on greater clarity with that vision when someone suggested that I expand my scope from that specific situation to a new life vision. This was an exciting “aha” moment for me. All aspects of our life experience are connected, so why would I focus on just one aspect? Any outer world change always reflects an inner shift in energy, so my whole life will include that shift even if the change is most noticeable in one specific area.

By working with a “blank canvas” of my entire life experience, I’ve opened myself up to being more adventurous with my vision. I’ve re-connected with the pure joy of creatorship. This is why we came here in the first place!

In the Star Trek franchise, the opening credits give us the famous line that space is the final frontier. From spirit’s perspective, exploring our expanded consciousness is the next frontier for humanity. Remembering who we are as Source and consciously creating from that awareness is our big adventure. Our adventure in Love.

Image by Pexels from Pixabay

Welcoming Our Experiences

Welcoming Our Experiences

Have you been feeling resistance to some of your mirrors and experiences in the outer world? I’ve been working on blocks to assimilating my experiences, free of the need to filter them in any way. My soul reminded me of “The Guest House” by Rumi to help hold the energy of joyfully accepting and allowing all experiences. The desire to block out anything comes from the judgment that some things are better than others. Judgment is separation. Our belief in separation from each other and from Source has been a necessary part of The Experiment in Duality. It has taught us much. Now, it is time to heal and let go so we can make our way back Home.

Our path to Oneness is through surrender and allowing. What we resist, persists. Our spiritual practice must include surrendering to divine will and unconditionally welcoming all of our experiences as our teachers and healers. The Sufi poet Rumi is a master of love songs to Source. His poem “The Guest House” reminds us that our natural state of being is to walk through life with our arms open wide.

This being human is a guest house.
Every morning a new arrival.

A joy, a depression, a meanness,
Some momentary awareness comes
As an unexpected visitor.

Welcome and entertain them all!

Even if they’re a crowd of sorrows,
Who violently sweep your house
Empty of its furniture,
Still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you out for some new delight.

The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
Meet them at the door laughing,
And invite them in.

Be grateful for whoever comes,
Because each has been sent
As a guide from beyond.

Image by Manfred Antranias Zimmer from Pixabay

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