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Trauma: Not Just Victim Energy

Trauma: Not Just Victim Energy

Recently, I have been using a technique to heal trauma that Marsha Hankins learned from another teacher and modified for Standing in the Light®. She calls the technique: Aging the Inner Child. With this technique, we are asking to see if there is trauma from our birth or at a certain age that needs to be healed. Once we identify an age where there is trauma energy, the actual aspect of trauma may not need to come to our conscious awareness. We can simply start to heal / clear the trauma with our usual clearing statements or healing methods like Reiki. Once that particular timeframe is clear of trauma, we ask for the next age where we might have trauma and start to clear that timeframe, too.

As I was working with this technique, I realized that I had the belief that if I had trauma energy that it manifested as a particular situation where I was the victim. I was the victim; thus, I was traumatized. That was my belief. Then, I heard some wisdom from my soul. I could have trauma energy even if I was the one in the situation who had persecuted someone else. I could have trauma energy stuck in my cellular memory no matter whether I was directly involved with the situation which felt traumatic. I could have trauma energy if I was a bystander, an observer or half way around the world to the unfolding events. Trauma energy is trauma energy no matter how it came to my awareness.

In this blog, we have discussed the Karpman Drama Triangle many times. When we still have drama in our lives or unhealed trauma, we need to heal the underlying energies of victim, persecutor and rescuer no matter which role in the drama we are playing. We need to heal the drama no matter if we switch from feeling like the victim to playing the role of persecutor to wanting to rescue someone that we believe isn’t able to stand in their own power.

Through all of these possibilities of drama and trauma, we need to remember that we, and all beings, are Source. If we still have trauma and drama to heal, it might help to look at the times when we perpetrated the trauma or rescued someone from the trauma and not just from when we might have been the victim. Heal the trauma no matter how it came into your experience.

Gratitude to Gerd Altmann with for the accompanying image.

The Art of Divine Beauty

The Art of Divine Beauty

Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery using paint infused with precious metals such as gold and silver to create a new object of beauty. It’s not about repairing things in a way to cover perceived flaws but truly honoring the unique beauty of the new form. I was reminded of this tradition by my soul when I was recently working on embracing change.

One of the primary blocks to change is the tendency to compare the new with the old. If we hold any kind of attachment to what came before, we are holding judgment and resisting growth. Kintsugi represents a step beyond accepting change by seeing it as completely new, free of comparison with any other, and celebrating all of its unique attributes as wholly divine.

Marsha Hankins has written about this in several posts about The Parable of the Cracked Pot. A pot was carried daily by the water carrier to bring water to the master’s table but leaked half of its water each time due to a crack. Eventually, the pot’s shame about this deficiency caused it to speak up to the water carrier. The man replied by pointing out the beautiful flowers that lined the path where the leaking pot had watered them. The pot’s unique feature created its own kind of beauty in the world, different but no less divine.

The coming years will bring many shifts and changes in the outer world as we move into a new phase of the breakdown for breakthrough. If we hold onto what used to be or try to “return to normal”, we will experience these changes as struggle. If we focus on not just accepting these changes but truly celebrating the beauty of them as reflections of our next steps toward experiencing Oneness, we will know true Peace and Joy.
Are you ready to practice the art of Divine Beauty?

photo courtesy of David Pike

Subtle Distinctions

Subtle Distinctions

As we are all leaning into our mastery, many of us are being guided to look at the nuances of different energies. Marsha Hankins has two messages this month that allow us to explore the subtle distinctions of energies. One message explores knowledge versus knowingness. The Wisdom of Moving from Knowledge to Knowing – Marsha Hankins The other explores the difference of being on track versus on target with our spiritual evolution. Marsha explored this in “A Message From Marsha.” (If you would like to be on Marsha’s message email list, click this link Join Mailing List – Marsha Hankins).

In the Standing in the Light® classes, the Christ gives us a technique for manifesting. Again, quoting Marsha, she calls this technique “five steps to creating miracles.” I have been a student and devotee to this technique since I first took the I AM SOURCE™ classes from Kris Duffy in 2002. Many of you know that the five steps are as follows:

  1. Connect to your Soul / your own self as Source.
  2. Receive the vision
  3. Release the blocks to manifesting the vision
  4. Resonant the vision.
  5. Take action steps

Recently, I have been guided to explore the subtle distinction of using the manifesting technique to master the illusion vs using the manifesting technique to use the illusion.

The Christ teaches us that our number one priority is our spiritual evolution and ultimate Ascension. Our goal is to master the illusion in order to exit the experiment in duality. If we are only trying to master the abundance of the third dimensional reality, then we are playing into the illusion of separation instead of mastering it.

We teach that having material possessions and an abundant lifestyle is our birthright as aspects of Source. We also teach that our motivations for wanting the abundant lifestyle factor into the equation. “It’s not the WHAT. It’s the WHY.” If the reason I am raising my frequency is to be more abundant in a traditional third dimensional way, then I may be missing the point of the teaching. If I am raising my frequency for my spiritual evolution and, along the way to a higher frequency, the law of like attract likes allows for an easier lifestyle, that is different than setting out to have a particular amount of money in the bank, for example.

These are all subtle distinctions but most of us reading this blog entry are at the point in our evolution where exploring these nuances is what will help us up the next rung of our spiritual ladder.

Take this question of Mastery to your meditation chair. With your Soul, evaluate your motivation for bringing in resonances and clearing blocks and other dense energies. Redouble your commitment in 2025 to use this manifesting technique for your spiritual evolution and Ascension.

May you know yourself as Source.

Gratitude to PlacidPlace with


I Shine, We Shine

I Shine, We Shine

Shining your light is an act of love; not just self-love but love for all. This reminder came to me at a healing meditation circle as we chanted to “I Shine” by Alexa Sunshine Rose. The lyrics guided me to focus on my connection with all light throughout the universe and the experience that shining my light is shining the universal light of all. I felt myself as both the whole cosmos and a truly unique being within the cosmos. Shining our light in this way is a unifying act of love both with and for all creation. It is an understanding of Oneness.

I share the lyrics here in English. The chant is beautifully recorded in both English and Spanish:

With the light of the Sun, I shine, I shine
With the light of the Stars, I shine, I shine
With the light of the Moon, I shine, I shine
With the light of the Earth, I shine, I shine

When I shine, we shine. When you shine, we shine. When we are all shining as One, the expanded light supports each unique being as a pure expression of Source. Take these words into your heart. Feel them. Know them as divine truth. And keep shining, always!

Image by MichelleMontrose from Pixabay

What Will Carry You Home?

What Will Carry You Home?

“Are we there, yet?” is a common refrain made to parents by excited kids, impatient to reach their destination. We are all spiritual children making our way back Home to our divine state of Oneness. As the outer world shows increasing signs of the breakdown of the illusion, we might find ourselves experiencing doubts that we will make it. Spoiler alert: We will. Some may reach that point sooner and some may have a few more journeys to experience, but we are all going Home.

When my soul wants to remind me of something, I often get a message through a song. I recently had some moments of doubt about humanity’s path to breaking through the illusion. Then, I heard a performance which I knew in the moment was a love song from my Source-Self, reminding me that I will be ushered with open arms to my divine home whenever I am ready to surrender the illusion of my separation.

“Carry You Home”, sung by artist Alex Warren, was written as a romantic love song, but I heard it as a song about divine love. The main chorus goes like this:

Oh, I hope you know I will carry you home
Whether it’s tonight or 55 years down the road
Oh, I know there’s so many ways that this could go
Don’t want you to wonder, darlin’, I need you to know
In this and every life
I choose us every time

This inspired me to ask myself, “Am I choosing Source every time?” With every action, word, thought and emotion, do I choose the wonder and beauty and joy of being Source? Honestly, I do not. Not yet. But I am getting closer each day, and I know that we are all much closer than we may believe right now.

When we choose a higher frequency in each moment, we are making choices which will carry us Home with ease and flow. Ask your soul where in your life you can make a shift in how you focus your energy to bring you closer to your divine home. The highest plan right now might be greater mindfulness in daily activities or detachment from the outer world. You might be guided to slow down and enjoy the beauty around you or to connect with your passion and take your next action steps. Maybe you need a boost in your belief that you’ll return to a state of Divine Home. Trust your guidance.

Know that Source energy is always present to support us when we allow ourselves to open up and align with it. It is this remembrance of ourselves as Source which will ultimately carry us Home. May you experience joy in your journey!

Image by Felix Merler from Pixabay

Satire Helps Me See Through the Illusion

Satire Helps Me See Through the Illusion

I am currently binge reading and listening to novels by British comedian, playwright and author, Ben Elton. I have been a fan of Elton since I first saw an episode of the Blackadder television program with some British friends when we were celebrating Fourth-of-July in Tokyo in 1991. Yes, I know, strange bedfellows and all that, celebrating Fourth-of-July with British people. I had more cultural commonality with the people from the country the colonists were rebelling against 200 years prior than with my host country.

Elton’s creative genre is satire weaved with heavy doses of politics and sometimes from a dystopian perspective. As bizarre as it sounds, this is a perfect combination for me to help see through the illusion. I do not suggest that it is what will help you see through the illusion, just telling you what helps me and why.

I lived in England from 1997 to 1999 and was exposed to more of Elton’s creativity including a West End play called Popcorn. Recently, an English friend of mine recommended Elton’s 2007 novel Blind Faith which is a dystopian story set years after “the second flood” which has devastated much of the earth’s landmass. The citizens of England culturally believe that privacy is wrong and everything should be done in public including intimate acts. Every room in the apartment has two-way devices connected and turned on 24/7 to everyone else’s devices and the central government.  If there is unwillingness to display everything online, the neighborhood watch shames individuals and can even have the individuals prosecuted. Science no longer has a place in society and many laws proposed by the religious leaders are determined by a voice vote at a gathering at Wembley Stadium.

As someone who meditates and enjoys my own company, the set-up of this novel definitely pushed my buttons and gave me the opportunity to look at what I still needed to clear, not only about the illusion, but the concept of transparency, consensus and oneness. Reading Blind Faith led me to my current desire to explore more of Elton’s work.

I just finished the 2002 novel called High Society in which a little-known Member of Parliament proposes that the UK legalize all drugs arguing that legalization would eliminate the crimes associated with using, procuring the drugs and the illegal activities to get the money to buy the drugs. The government goes so far as to calculate how much revenue would be raised with the high tax rate that could be placed on a fairly low product cost, if the product was legal. This proposes that the high price of drugs is because they are illegal not because they are expensive to produce. The book is a very interesting look at all sides of the arguments. In Elton’s brilliant imagination, we are even given Queen Elizabeth II’s speech on legalizing drugs. Elton calls out all aspects of the debate. Again, this allowed me to look at my issues and to start to see everything as farcical. It is that energy of farce that is helping me to question what I see in my current world, both internal and external, to help me see through the illusion.

Finally, I just started Elton’s 2019 book called Identity Crisis. I am only 40 pages into the book, yet, it is the reason I am writing this blog entry on the topic of satire helping me see through the illusion.

In this book, Elton addresses identity politics. The book discusses the pendulum swinging between liberal ethos and nationalistic ideals. In this storyline, not only has Britian had the referendum to leave the European Union and Scotland wants to separate from the UK, but English nationalists want to separate from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. One of the main themes so far is regarding the company whose mandate is to send out campaign messages disguised as social media hashtags and memes in order to rally votes for the side of English separation – the “England Out” campaign. Elton is discussing the company’s algorithms with the main goal to divide people into their separate silos. One particular message is being sent to people on both sides of the same topic in order to make both sides angry and, therefore, reactionary.

Having all these topics played out for me in print is a little bit like systematic desensitization therapy. It is allowing me to look at all the mirrors, buttons and walls that I still have in a safe (and fun) environment in order to clear my phobias, anxieties, judgments and fears. Again, this is helping me see through the illusion of duality and helping me to not give my power away to outside forces.

I am not suggesting that Ben Elton books need to be your guide to finding inner truth. I am suggesting that you find what will help you to stand in your power and heal what still needs to be healed. Check with your inner wisdom about what will help you disconnect from mass consciousness and heal your issues of fear, limitations and judgment.

Here’s to enjoying a good book and a good button pusher.

Gratitude to CDD20 with for the image above.

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