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Ahau Glyph


It’s not the What, it’s the Why – Kris Duffy.


4th and 5th Dimensional Procedures for Experiencing Oneself as Source
  • STANDING IN THE LIGHT® SERIES – Level 1 and Level 2

You are, and have always been, The Light. The illusion of separation is just that – an illusion. The Experiment in Duality, the experiment in separation, is over and everyone is coming Home very soon. It may not always look that way on the outer, but the outer is just the reflection of rapid change on the inner. We are in the quickening.

The quickening is becoming more and more evident to all of mankind. Each day the clock ticks faster and the people of the planet look for solutions to moving from where we have been into the long prophesied Golden Age. The time has come for all of humanity to access their ancient wisdom, break through the illusion of duality and come back into the full and complete experience of themselves as Source. Ascension is not about getting off the planet. It is about bringing your God-Self into reality on this planet and transcending the human form. The Earth is on the verge of tremendous change and each member of humanity will have a choice in how to experience that change and where they will go from here. The STANDING IN THE LIGHT® (SITL) series is designed to give one all of the tools to create a joyful transition into Light. The basic principles of SITL are presented in two programs to provide a solid foundation for Ascension and advanced skills for full mastery. All classes in Levels I and II must be taken in consecutive order, but not necessarily in the same session.

Never be alone by being One with Source. Our friends and family are a wonderful part of the journey but all we need is within.

SITL Level 1: The Foundation

Ending duality means coming back into the experience of Oneness. Oneness is a state of being, an experience, not words on a sheet of paper. However, understanding why we entered into the Experiment, how it operates and what we have learned is helpful to the lower-self in understanding what we need to do to come back into a state of Oneness. SITL Level I teaches the foundational principles of Oneness, how to connect clearly to one’s highest level of guidance (one’s Soul/ God-Self) and how to use 4th and 5th dimensional principles and techniques for manifesting Oneness and one’s life vision, one’s Soul’s Vision.

  • Part I:  Ending the Experiment in Duality. Learn the founding principles that will take one to Ascension no matter what program one chooses to follow. Unity and Oneness are for all.
  • Part II:  Channeling. There is NO higher source of guidance than one’s own Higher Self/Soul/God/Goddess Within. Learn how to clearly connect and, most importantly, how to validate the information.
  • Part III:  The 5th Dimensional Process of Manifesting. The energies of December 16, 1994 have changed the process by which humankind can bring their Souls’ desires into form. Learn the 5th dimensional process of manifesting and move more quickly into creating the Soul’s vision.
  • Part IV:  Clear Blocks and Receive the Soul’s Vision. One cannot manifest without a clear intention and a clear vision.  Learn to clear blocks to being fully aligned with the Higher Self/Soul to clearly receive and manifest the Soul’s vision/goal (versus your Lower-Self’s vision) in any area of life.

SITL Level II: Moving into Greater Mastery

The day of the guru is over and all must step into the full power and mastery of who we are, by getting our own answers to our journey. SITL Level II takes the foundation learned in Level I and elevates those teachings and techniques to the level of mastery. Information is not enough. Techniques and exercises are not enough. Only through practice and the dedication to Divine Truth is a Master created. The Christ originally channeled this program as a how-to program for modern man to achieve Full God-Consciousness. The program is a marvelous compilation of the most important aspects of Universal Truth and the Ascension process, a veritable one-stop-shopping trip for the beginner or the long time spiritual student. SITL Level II teaches higher levels of Divine Wisdom and higher frequency techniques that anyone can use to become a Full Living Master.

  • Part I:  Experiencing Oneness and Balancing the Male and Female. The perception of separation of the male and female that occurred as a result of the Experiment must be healed in order to permanently regain the state of Oneness. Learn the specifics of the male and female energies and how to heal and merge them for Ascension.
  • Part II:  Balancing the Brain and Heart. Oneness with The God/Goddess All That Is first requires Oneness of the lower bodies and all systems. Understand and experience how balancing the brain and heart leads to Unity and Oneness within.
  • Part III:  Advanced Clearing and Healing.  Human evolution could be defined as the process of releasing limitations and fear of separation. Learn and practice 4th and 5th dimensional techniques to eliminate conscious and subconscious blocks to experiencing oneself as Source.
  • Part IV:  Advanced Visioning and Manifesting.  Learn how to take the information from Level I Parts 3 & 4 into the highest levels of creative Mastery.

12 Chakra Initiation

Activation of the Merkaba requires chakras 8-12 above the head to be opened and activated. The 12 Chakra Initiation opens and activates those chakras and the Merkaba Activation connects your original 12 strands of DNA to those chakras once they are all opened. This gives you permanent access to that energy to further support your spiritual evolution and greatly expands your energy field.

Online Energy Transmissions

Teleconference Energy Transmissions are 20-25 minute toning sessions performed by Lori Rock and Ginger Withee focusing on downloading specific energies to participants. Open to all.

Ongoing Teachings

Special channeled teaching and energetic download from the Spiritual Hierarchy and the Christ led by Lori Rock and Ginger Withee with a potluck social gathering afterward. Open to all.

New Moon Ceremony

At the new moon, the Ancients did ceremony to ask that their desires be brought into form. It’s a time to “plant the seeds” for that which will manifest at some later full moon. Come with a clear intention of what you want to manifest.  

Sunday Night Healing Circle by phone

An ongoing healing circle every Sunday night at 7:30pm mountain time. Each week, we focus on grounding a specific resonance to support healing ourselves and the entire planet. Free and open to all. No experience or specific healing modality required, just an open heart and a desire to be of service.  

Private Facilitation

Mastering any spiritual or evolutionary process takes time and practice. Privately facilitated sessions are a great way to master the skills taught in the STANDING IN THE LIGHT® (SITL) program or to get an introduction to the SITL teachings and techniques for those who cannot yet attend classes. Private facilitators are independent practitioners who have been trained and approved to use the SITL techniques in private sessions. Each has his or her own unique and special background and skills to bring to the process.

The purpose of spiritual facilitation is to assist a person to connect to their inner wisdom and guidance in order to gain insight on their personal spiritual evolution and to understand their own highest guidance as to their highest plan. Spiritual Facilitation is about self-empowerment and finding one’s own power as Source.

A spiritual facilitator is trained to energetically hold the space for connection to the client’s guidance. This includes monitoring the connection, helping the client maintain the connection and facilitating the client in the process of finding their answers and moving through perceived limitations. The facilitator does not have the client’s answers and does not advise the client on life choices. The client must get their own answers from their own guidance and set a plan of action to follow through on that guidance.

Eminent Reiki™

Eminent Reiki™ is a new approach to Reiki with a special male/female component unique to the Eminent Reiki™ process. While not under the umbrella of STANDING IN THE LIGHT®, Eminent Reiki™ has its roots in Evolutionary Reiki channeled by Kris Duffy in 1994 and part of the original I AM SOURCE™ program. Eminent Reiki™ not only uses the male and female energies together to create a special healing experience, it specifically blends these energies together into a new attunement unique to this Reiki process. A key component of healing any issue is balancing the male and female within. Eminent Reiki™ addresses this need specifically in its energy and its approach to healing. For more information

At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flames within us.  – Albert Schweitzer

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