God’s Truth Is Always Simple
Interdependence Day
In a Soul Kitchen Dance group today lead by Rachel Phillipe, which focused on freedom and independence, another friend, Barbara Morningstar suggested that we explore the idea of the fourth of July as Interdependence Day instead of Independence Day. This is my...
Shake It Off
My former cat companion, Xena, was a true priestess who navigated life with grace, poise and detachment. She was every bit the elegant lady, but even she had moments of being frazzled. What she modeled so well was her ability to regain her composure easily and...
Next Step
If the path in front of us is not clear, we each need to ask our inner wisdom for just the next step. We may not know what step number ten is on our path. The view might be hazy or obscured. Because the highest plan for each of us is part of the unity of the highest...
Keep Pedaling
Recently, while walking on an open space trail, a young family on bicycles turned onto the trail just ahead of me. They immediately turned up a short, steep hill. The parents and the older child made it fine. The younger child, trailing behind, didn’t have enough...
Happily Ever After
Go ahead, admit to us what you have been binge watching or reading while you have been following the safer-at-home guidelines during the Corona Virus outbreak. I will come clean to let you know that I am a serial romance novel reader. I enjoy the whimsical ones, the...
Eye of the Needle
“I assure you: it will be very hard for rich people to enter the Kingdom of heaven. I repeat: it is much harder for a rich person to enter the Kingdom of God than for a camel to go through the eye of a needle.” ~ Mathew 19:23-24 Jesus, the Buddha and other masters...
Loaves and Fishes: A Modern Parable
Many are familiar with the miracle of the loaves and fishes that Master Jesus performed when a large group gathered to hear him speak. There were five loaves of bread and 2 fish but thousands to feed. The disciples were concerned, but Jesus invited them to trust and...
May You Live in Compassionate Times
“May you live in interesting times.” A scan of the internet finds that this quote is probably a late nineteenth century English version of what was thought to be a Chinese curse, however, with no real connection to the Chinese culture at all. Of course, the phrase...
Keep Calm and Carry OM
It seems like everything is dialed up to 11 these days. (Yes, a whimsical reference to the cult classic movie This is Spinal Tap, a spoof of rock and roll documentaries, or rockumentary, if you prefer!) In a world where many situations seems over the top in drama and...
Divine Self Belief: Beyond Limitations
I recently finished watching the documentary Maiden, which tells the story of Tracy Edwards who skippered the first all-female yacht crew to race in the Whitbread Race Around the World in 1989. The race is long and grueling, taking many months to sail completely...
Back to Basics
Are you wondering how to move through the issues you are facing or do you feel stuck, currently? Many of us are feeling this way. Finding the specific block and being willing to release that energy is how we clear it. But, what do we do if we can’t tap into the...
An Open Invitation
I have been reflecting recently on the fullness and the miracle of the human experience and what it means to be an conscious spiritual being having a human experience. How do we hold that balance within ourselves of celebrating all the uniqueness and sensory aspects...