God’s Truth Is Always Simple
Retreat at Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, CO, April 30 – May 5, 2016.
STANDING IN THE LIGHT® is offering its Foundation Series as a Residential Workshop and Retreat April 30 - May 5, 2016 at Sunrise Ranch, Loveland, CO. The SITL series is designed by The Christ to give you all of the tools to create a joyful transition into Light. Learn...
Finding the Beauty Within
Ever notice how a smile instantly lights up someone’s face? Details of physical appearance fade away and you just see the light within shining through. Definitions of physical attractiveness may vary between cultures, but smiles are universally beautiful. That’s...
Last Broadcast: Good Night and Good Luck
On this lovely Sunday morning, the last day of May, I watched CBS Face the Nation for the last time as hosted by Bob Schieffer. Known as a reporter that most people seem to trust for news and his seemingly non-judgmental attitude, Schieffer is just one of some highly...
Divine Success
Most of us have a lot of ideas about what makes us successful. Some are more concrete markers, and others are more intangible. Whether we’re conscious of all of them or not, those thoughts guide our direction and choices in life so that we can meet those goalposts....
Ten Suggestions – Use Freely and Enjoy
I was using some great hand lotion the other day – Everyone Lotion – and I just happened to notice the directions. It said, “Use Freely and Enjoy”. How do you think our current world vision would look if one of the Ten Commandments was – Use Freely and Enjoy? What a...
Driving Slow in the Fast Lane
Got projects? These days, it seems like most of us are juggling several balls in the air in various areas of our lives almost constantly. The reality is that with nearly instant communication available 24/7, the pace of modern life is just fast. So how do we, as...
Divine Consensus: Be Together, Not the Same
Many Lightworkers hold a vision for achieving Oneness, but have you ever asked what that really looks and feels like? Recently, I’ve been involved in group projects in several areas of my life, each requiring all participants to come into consensus before we move...
The Return of the Prodigal Child
Do you remember reading the parable of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32), perhaps as a kid, and wondering what it all meant? The story is rich with messages of Love for us, and yet I often struggled with its deeper meanings until I began to see that it truly holds the...
Releasing Judgment and Holding more Serenity
Do you ever wonder, like me, about the sound-bites you hear in the media, from politicians or even from your own guidance? Sound-bites like “we need to do something about income inequality” from our politicians on both sides of the aisle. And from our own guidance,...
Align With Self, Align With Source
Of all the New Year’s resolutions we can set for ourselves, what would be the one underlying quality that would help all of them? What one factor would help you achieve a better diet, a more appropriate exercise regime and more joy in daily life? Being more aligned...
As Good As It Gets, Combining Left Brain and Right Brain Thinking
I have had the good fortune of being asked to speak at the Buena Vista community’s Collegiate Peaks Form Series (CPFS) in April. The CPFS is a forum for lectures in Philosophy, Religion and Science in the Arkansas Valley area of Colorado. My topic is “Synergies in...
Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine Energy: Balancing Who We Truly Are
any in our world believe that there is a war between men and women. Many look to a glass ceiling or the gap between pay for jobs traditionally held by women v. jobs traditionally held by men to support this supposition. There has even been a...