You are and have always been The Light
Lori Rock
Teacher and Facilitator of the SITL Program
“From the first I AM SOURCE™ class that I took in February 2002, I realized that the questions that had always plagued me actually did have answers that were within my reach to discover. It was in that class that I realized the search for Truth was no longer a punchline of a joke, but something I was destined to explore. I was hooked and this was the path that was right for me.”
With the predecessor class to STANDING IN THE LIGHT®, Lori Rock started her formal training to find answers for herself and then to help others find their answers by becoming a Spiritual Counselor and Facilitator using the STANDING IN THE LIGHT® program. Lori is also a STANDING IN THE LIGHT® Teacher. At the same time, Lori also became an Eminent Reiki™ Master Teacher/Practitioner and is a member of The Eminent Reiki Council which governs the Eminent Reiki™ teachings channeled by The Reiki Masters.
Prior to starting her healing practice, Lori worked in public accounting and corporate America. She may be one of a handful of people who are Reiki Masters who hold a Master of Taxation!
Lori has lived internationally, loves to travel and scuba dive. We believe these varying experiences allow her to blend the masculine and feminine energies necessary for to be a balanced Spiritual Counselor and Energy Practitioner. Lori’s books are Getting Unstuck: Inspiration to Move Forward, Again! http://amzn.to/2e9TXWy and The Strength and Peace of Divine Humility http://amzn.to/2v8liU6
Visit Lori’s author page at http://amzn.to/2u5aIxi
Contact Info
Ginger Withee
Teacher and Facilitator of the SITL Program
Ginger began her spiritual journey in her early 20’s and has been committed to deepening her understanding of spiritual Truth ever since. When she attended the Standing in the Light® classes channeled from the Christ, she knew she had come Home. These simple, yet profound principles are a comprehensive program for spiritual Mastery and Ascension, including practical application in daily life. These Truths have guided her spiritual evolution for decades, and she brings these tools to each session and class, along with her years of experience, to facilitate others in releasing blocks to their own spiritual mastery. It is a beautiful and loving process, and it is with deep gratitude and joy that she shares these techniques with others.
Ginger is a Spiritual Facilitator and Teacher in the Standing in the Light® program (serving on its governing Council), an Eminent Reiki™ Master Teacher/Practitioner, and is ordained in the Order of Melchizedek.
Contact Info
Ginger Withee
Louisville, CO
Tel: 303-440-3543
Email: gawithee@msn.com
Marsha Hankins
Channel for the STANDING IN THE LIGHT® Program
Marsha has been an active spiritual teacher and facilitator for 18 years. Her big “awakening” came in 1999 when she had an experience that showed her she could no longer deny herself as a spiritual being. She has passionately pursued her spiritual truth since that day.
Marsha is the creator and co-creator of numerous courses including the I am Source™ Mastery Groups, Standing in the Light®: 4th and 5th Dimensional Procedures for Experiencing Oneself as Source, A Course in Oneness with All Things™, My Body is My Temple: Techniques to Assist the Body in Holding More Light™, and Eminent Reiki™.
She is the author of Awaken to Ascension: Mastering Oneness and Knowing Yourself as Source, Divine Justice: Healing through Love, Compassion, and Forgiveness, and 3 Cosmic Events You Don’t Have to Understand Astrology to Use.
Marsha is currently traveling the country in semi-retirement, writing, speaking and shining her light.
It is the supreme art of the teacher to awaken joy in creative expression and knowledge. – Albert Einstein