by Ginger | Oct 31, 2016 | Blog
We’ve heard the spiritual one-liner: We are All One. It is repeated in many ways throughout many ancient teachings and philosophies. And it is spiritual Truth. But what does it mean for us in the “real” world of everyday choices?
In the Standing in the Light® community, we teach that when we are asking for guidance on something, we hold the intention to receive the understanding of what is in the highest good of all. As we make our way toward truly living in every moment knowing ourselves as One, we are practicing that concept by keeping in mind the greater community whenever we make a choice. We may not always feel that connection on a conscious level, but we hold the vision to experience it fully.
Many Lightworkers genuinely want to be of service to others and to the greater whole. After all, it’s what we came here to do. But we also sometimes bump up against our own fears of getting our needs met as we look to serving the whole. Sometimes, we may approach service to others or choosing the highest good of all as a bit of a sacrifice, a duty or a responsibility. That can feel heavy on our shoulders at times.
It’s important to remind ourselves that “me” is absolutely an integral part of “we”. It’s not just a theoretical idea, but is in our makeup far deeper than our sub-atomic particles. When we ask to understand the highest good of all, it is from a place of service to others, but it is also a service to ourselves! We are part of the whole and therefore must be open to receive that highest good as well as give it. When I ask the question with a truly open heart and know myself as One with all from a place of wholeness and abundance, I feel the highest good of all as my highest good. I feel them as one and the same.
Just as the infinite cycles of birth and death, giving and receiving must be in perfect balance going both directions, so must our spiritual service be for others and ourselves equally. When we truly know and feel that unity, the choice is simple. It is not a choice between “me” or “we”, but a choice for Love.
by Ginger | Sep 25, 2016 | Blog
Have you noticed how much things have been changing in our outer world, shifting quickly and often unexpectedly? We can see it in our elections; one candidate is ahead in this poll and the next week something is said or revealed and the other candidate is ahead in another poll. There are unexpected twists and turns all around us in financial markets, global politics, etc. How do we, as spiritual beings, navigate all of this transition?
Many spiritual teachers have used the example of the ocean to describe our consciousness. At the surface, there can potentially be a lot of turmoil with waves crashing and water spray flinging out in every direction. But the deeper you go, the calmer the water until resting at the ocean floor it is quiet and still. We are learning, each in our own way, to hold that consciousness of the calm ocean floor even as the waves do their powerful dance in the outer, visible world.
As events around the world seem to heat up and become more contentious, keep your eye on the prize of what you know to be true within. Make a commitment to yourself to continue to see the ocean calm even as you are looking out at a stormy sea. Some days, you may need to remind yourself of this truth every few moments. Some days, it will be easy and smooth sailing. But it will take your focus and determination until the experience is as natural as breathing.
Many New Age books talk about spiritual warriors. The word “warrior” has many third dimensional connotations, but a warrior in the spiritual sense is simply someone who is fully in touch with his inner power. The warrior has the perseverance to hold the vision of Divine Truth regardless of the chaos playing out in the physical world. She will follow through and act on that Divine Truth no matter what.
The spiritual warrior is an inner warrior. There are no flashy action sequences of battle. The training regimen of the spiritual warrior is the quiet, consistent practice of holding the consciousness of our divine reality even as the illusion that we see appears to tell us differently. It is time to answer the call, to come together in our hearts and be the spiritual warriors we came to be.
by Ginger | Aug 31, 2016 | Blog
“I’m sure that’s what I saw!” “I remember exactly what happened.” “I’m 100% positive that’s what it looked like.”
Have those words, or something like them, ever passed your lips? The brain is an amazing organ capable of storing awe-inspiring amounts of raw data. But the mind, the part of ourselves which shapes and puts together that data into our understanding of the world, is just as amazing and is influenced by many factors including our past experiences, our emotions, our beliefs and our expectations. Memories that we are sure are crystal clear facts in our minds are often shaped and molded by our changing perceptions. So, how do we know what is true?
On a recent visit with family, we were all working on an image puzzle made of two very complex photos which were almost identical, but not quite. The object was to identify the tiny differences between the two. After we each wrote down our findings, we compared notes and I discovered I had missed one of the more obvious changes that were made. Looking at it, I was unbelieving that I had missed it. I clearly remembered thinking that it was an easy place to make a change so I had carefully scanned all the objects in that area. But there was indeed one item missing in that section of one photo. How could I have missed it when I had already suspected something and was on the lookout?
There is a basic human truth that we don’t see what we’re not ready to see. It’s not a matter of intelligence or eyesight, but simply of perception. It’s said that you can interview 10 eyewitnesses to an event and receive 10 different versions. It’s not that everyone literally saw different actions played out, but that each interpreted those actions differently. And even when we are looking directly at something, we sometimes don’t see it or see it differently because the mind is expecting or desiring something else and subtly fills in the blanks. The mind helps us reinforce our own version of reality.
So, how do we know what is true? From our own God-selves, our Souls. Divine Truth is a much higher frequency than anything we can perceive through our physical senses. Divine Truth is not about third-dimensional facts, but about the inner wisdom in our hearts. Divine Truth is always about the highest good of all, rather than just what we personally want to be true.
As our world changes more rapidly every day, it can feel over-whelming and challenging to pick out the truth from all of the information streamed to us. When we go to our own Souls for Divine Truth, we can trust that it is not based on our limited human perceptions but from the greater perspective of the God/Goddess. Divine Truth is universal truth.
by Ginger | Aug 4, 2016 | Blog
In the building where I work, there are many individual small businesses renting office space along with a social club. Recently, for various reasons, the building tenants were offered free membership to the club. My first reaction was that I couldn’t possibly take full advantage of the membership because I wouldn’t be a “real” member. The moment I had that thought, my Soul came in loud and clear to remind me that it didn’t matter how I had become a member but that I had the opportunity to enjoy the perks of this gift or not and it would be entirely my own choice if I rejected it. In other words, “It doesn’t matter how you got here, you’re invited!”
I know how this works: when your Soul has something to say, it is wise to listen. I sat down for some further meditation on this lesson, and I saw that this membership was a metaphor. What had seemed like an elite club actually had open doors. This club that I was cutting myself off from is the Divine club; my connection with the Christ, the Spiritual Hierarchy and with my Soul. I had been allowing myself to peak through the windows, but not to be welcomed in full membership. In this divine club, everyone is already a member because we are all Divine, but we must know it for ourselves. No one else is barring the door except us. So, come on in and pick up your goody bag. We have Love, Joy, Abundance, Companionship, Peace, Creativity, Community and so much more opportunity for spiritual riches than your wildest dreams. This is your birthright.
In the end, our journey in this grand illusion is just a story we told ourselves for a very long time. It doesn’t matter how we get to the end of our story. We’re all very creative, and we each chose different twists and turns in our plotlines. But eventually we all get to that same point in the story that says “The End.” And eventually we are all coming Home to the God/Goddess once we’re done telling our story. Everyone is welcomed here. There is no secret password, no special handshake and no membership card. We have always been members at Club Divine, and it’s time to enjoy the privileges.
by Ginger | Jul 1, 2016 | Blog
As we celebrate our many wonderful freedoms on this July holiday, there is one basic freedom that many of us are still denying ourselves and others. Are you allowing yourself the very special and ultimate freedom to love?
As Lightworkers, we know that we are all Love and that in the eyes of the God/Goddess there is no one, no thing, no event which is more or lesser in deserving to know that divine Love. This is easier to state in generalities, but may sometimes challenge us in the specifics. We may say we are all Love, but when that politician speaks hatred or bigotry, does it feel uncomfortable to declare out loud an unconditional love for that person? We say we are all Love, but is there a hesitation to suggest that we pour love toward that world leader even as he attacks his own people? We want to Be the Love, to truly feel that Divine Love within us, yet we may still carry judgments about when it is okay to love and how others might react. Those judgments can cause us to act with anger and conflict instead of the love we are.
There are some very enlightening and inspired debates that have been going on in our nation about the right to love- who it is okay to love and how it is acceptable to express that love, both for others and love for ourselves. These are important questions and each conversation helps to lift the layers of shame and guilt that we have built around the very simple and natural act of loving. We are in the process of remembering how to be Love.
So, in this season of celebrating freedom, ask yourself if you are truly allowing your own freedom to love. To express the love that we are without conditions or limitations of any kind is our birthright, our very nature, but only we can choose to fully allow that freedom for ourselves.