by Ginger | Mar 3, 2024 | Blog
Father John LaFarge once remarked, “For those who believe in God no explanation is necessary. For those who do not believe in God no explanation is possible.”
I’ve always loved this quote about faith. Faith is not something logical we can explain to anyone nor is it something we can talk ourselves into. It is not something we can pass along to another and it is not about following doctrine. At times, we may be guided to act on faith but we cannot do faith as an action step to make faith happen for us or anyone else.
Divine Faith is a state of being which comes from within. It is a deeply heart-centered understanding of ourselves and all beings as Source. For most of us, it will take time to expand to that level of consciousness and the best approach is to love and allow ourselves with as much patience as we need to grow into our full faith.
So, be at peace and go gently forward as you move into Divine Faith. Give yourself space to more fully remember yourself as Source and support yourself in ways that will help you stay in the resonances of peace, calm, patience, understanding and trust. A soothing bubble bath, a soft chant or a walk in the sunshine may not seem directly related to practicing faith, but they might each be the perfect thing to help you hold the wisdom that you are divine and that all is well and in perfect divine order.
*This blog is re-posted from an earlier post.
Image by Avelino Calvar Martinez from Pixabay
by Ginger | Feb 4, 2024 | Blog
Do you see yourself as a rule follower or a rule breaker? My personality self in this lifetime has tended to be a rule-follower. I did not believe I had significant issues with authority, until recently. As I was working to heal my perceptions of abuses of power in the outer world, I realized that understanding and stepping into Divine Power goes hand-in-hand with respecting and surrendering to Divine Authority. We cannot be in true Divine Power if we are not also operating in Divine Authority.
Even as Lightworkers, our lower selves sometimes want to skip steps. We may find ourselves trying to jump from feeling at the effect of 3rd dimensional authority and directly into what we perceive as the freedom of recognizing no authority at all. But both of these perspectives are rooted in separation. Denying authority is not healing our issues with it. Whether we find ourselves fighting against authority, following authority without question or denying any authority altogether, we are dealing with aspects of the same unhealed issue of viewing power and authority as an outside force.
Healing our issues with authority requires expanding our understanding of Divine Authority to include All That Is. In our humility and respect for the collective will of Source, we simultaneously surrender to the authority of Source and act as the authority of Source. In the 3rd dimension, those two energies may appear to be separate but in the higher frequencies of the divine realms, they are one and the same. When we know ourselves as One, there can be no power and authority over or under. When we know ourselves as One, then our inner power and authority are One.
Image by Amber Clay from Pixabay
by Ginger | Jan 4, 2024 | Blog
Like many this time of year, I’ve been crafting my vision for the new year and setting intentions for what I’m guided to create for my spiritual evolution and service. I was starting to feel pretty jazzed about the opportunities for expansion and then I heard to ask myself this key question: Am I truly open to receive these creations?
Even when we’re consciously willing to work toward manifesting our vision, we can still block it if we’re not open to receive. It is not more blessed to give than receive. We must be open to both give and receive to be in perfect divine balance. A block on either side of that infinity flow will block the creation or cause us to create from a denser frequency.
Since we create from all aspects of our being (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual), we must be willing to allow those higher frequency states of being in all of our bodies in order to manifest our vision. If you discover you’re not fully open to receive, then be sure to ask follow-up questions to identify what blocks need to be cleared and healed. The block might be in a specific body where there is unwillingness to allow higher frequencies. There might be resistance to a specific resonance that is part of your vision. Your feminine and masculine energies may be out of balance. Or you might be blocking your creations in another way such as false beliefs of unworthiness or fear of being in the power of your creatorship.
If your lower self is still fearful of receiving unconditionally, ask yourself if you would deny these same gifts to someone close to you. Would you tell your loved one they don’t deserve something wonderful in their life? Would you block them from receiving a loving gift? Where are you still holding resistance to allowing yourself that same joy? Marsha Hankins’ December blog post Find Pure Joy in Who You Are may offer some helpful suggestions to guide you in this process.
Our creations are meant to be joyous experiences. Your divine self is the giver and the receiver, so enjoy the beauty of both roles. Connect with your most loving aspect as you gift yourself with the manifestations in your vision. Connect with the energy of your inner child excitedly awaiting and allowing those wonderful gifts.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
by Ginger | Nov 30, 2023 | Blog
Have you heard the saying, “You can’t get off the wheel of dharma until you love it so much that you no longer want to leave”? Recently, I’ve been shown certain attachments to what I believe is the ideal order of things, including how the illusion is “supposed to” come to completion in a way that is safe and gentle for everyone. My soul has been reminding me that third-dimensional order comes from the need to protect oneself and to feel personally comfortable and safe. Divine Order supports our spiritual evolution and ascension. From the limitations of the lower self’s perspective, the breakdown can sometimes seem messy and unorganized or even dangerously chaotic. From the divine perspective, it is perfectly…. well, divine.
When we judge any aspect of the breakdown process, we are blocking ourselves from healing the illusion within. Judgment or fear of how the breakdown will happen or when it will be complete or how it will affect us personally are all signs that we are still holding onto the illusion. These blocks may come to our awareness as a desire to stop or slow down the breakdown or to speed up and finish. It’s sometimes easier to identify our fears when we’re trying to put on the brakes. But resistance may also come to our awareness as a false excitement for the breakdown to hurry up and be done. Why is the lower self in such a rush? This may be a helpful question to take to your soul. The desire to fast-forward may be the lower self’s resistance to allowing true, lasting change within by skipping over what feels like the tougher pieces of surrender.
As Lightworkers, we are committed to healing and being of service, which is wonderful. But, we may also find ourselves getting a little impatient about “what we’re here to do” and overlook the opportunities in the breakdown itself. Everything is happening in divine order, and we are collectively co-creating the breakdown for our highest good in perfect divine timing. If we feel the need to hurry the process, we’re resisting the messages and mirrors that will guide us to what we still need to heal. Our very attachments to how or when the breakdown happens blocks us from fully allowing the breakdown to complete and, therefore, allowing our healing. Whatever is happening now truly is what we’re here to do, no matter how messy or chaotic or uncomfortable it may seem. Love the breakdown enough to allow it to unfold and allow yourself to heal.
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay
by Ginger | Oct 31, 2023 | Blog
As we are seeing in the outer world, there are many places on the planet right now where there is a call to resolve and heal old, deep conflicts. Whether it’s physical war between two groups or nations or power wars between political groups, there is a great deal of battle energy erupting in the outer world. While it can be upsetting to watch others in fear, pain and struggle, we also know that lasting healing comes from within. Whenever we are feeling triggered or affected by the mirrors in the outer, we are also being presented with the opportunity to heal those matching vibrations within ourselves. So, in order to help bring peace to the world, we must be willing to hold peace within ourselves.
We can be at war within ourselves in many different ways. War energy doesn’t always look like two nations battling with weaponry. But the core energy we are still holding within stems from the same root of separation and fear. Our little will may be resistant to surrendering to Divine Will. Our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies may still be operating in separation from each other. We might not physically be battling someone in our lives but might be battling them through words or even in our thoughts and emotions. We might also be battling ourselves through negative self-talk and actions of self-sabotage.
We may find ourselves looking out at the world and saying, “Why do they continue to act in this way? Why can’t they take steps toward compromise and healing?” We can find our answers by asking, “Why am I still unable to forgive my brother? How can I be at peace with my ex-wife? When will I stop putting myself down?” The answer to why there is still war on the planet lies in the answer to why we are still at war in our own lives and within ourselves.
Here is an exercise you might try in meditation to start the healing process. Ask your soul where you are holding conflict or battle energy within yourself that most needs healing at this time. Now expand with the resonances, the feeling states, of Divine Love, Divine Wisdom, Divine Power and Divine Peace. Allow your entire energy field to be filled. Holding the first 3 foundational resonances in balance creates a state of peace within.
Now ask your soul for a situation, event or group in the 3rd dimensional world that most needs this healing energy of Divine Love, Wisdom, Power and Peace. Expand your energy field, while still holding these resonances, to include that situation, event or group. Feel the Divine Peace flowing outward to include this group or region. Continue expanding with that energy until it feels complete. Give gratitude for the opportunity to both heal within and be of service.
In the divine realms, energy is energy. The energy of war between two people is the same as between millions of citizens in two nations. Whenever we start the healing process within ourselves, we are supporting everyone in that healing. Be gentle with yourself and others. And be at peace.
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