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Be Loved

Be Loved

Some time ago, I came across the song “Beloved” by artist Jordan Feliz with a very powerful refrain within the chorus: “You are beloved.” Every so often I play this song with the intention that the words are spoken by Source directly to me as an aspect of Source. Simple, yet powerful.

I invite you to meditate on these words with your soul/Source self and allow yourself to truly feel the divine energies these words represent. As an aspect of Source, you are beloved by All That Is for you are All That Is. Oneness cannot split from itself or push itself away, no matter what we might believe in the illusion.

excerpt from “Beloved” by Jordan Feliz

You are beloved
I wanted you to know
You are beloved
Let it soak into your soul
Oh, forget the lies you heard
Rise above the hurt
And listen to these words
You are beloved
I want you to know
You are beloved

So take some time to fully receive, hold, integrate and assimilate this divine truth that you are deeply cherished, valued and beloved with all the consciousness of Source. Be yourself. Be your divine truth. Be Loved.

Image by Pedro Márquez from Pixabay

Ascension is Here Now

Ascension is Here Now

I would like the thank Master Skunk and Master Mouse for agreeing to cross my path recently to bring me a powerful insight. Without their willingness to time their appearances perfectly with me and each other, I might have missed their full messages.

Master Skunk appeared to remind me of the value of unhurried self-assurance and self-respect. He sauntered peaceably by my deck, completely unfazed when my cat crept alarmingly close. Luckily, I was able to catch up with my cat in time to avoid unpleasant consequences for all of us! But even with that close call with a larger predator on his tail, the skunk calmly looked over his shoulder and stared at both of us without concern. There was no need for him to rush off somewhere else. Skunk knows his power and that knowingness allows him to remain comfortable in his space.

Master Mouse showed up soon after that to remind me of the importance of attention to detail. The mouse is perfectly positioned to see each step he takes up close and examine every little patch of ground he walks upon. The mouse deals in minutiae, but small things can be very powerful.

Without each of their contributions, I would have missed the balance of the whole message. I was hurrying through my steps along my spiritual path and not taking the time to learn from every detail of my experiences along the way. I was so focused on the big picture of my spiritual evolution that I forgot to pay attention to my evolution right here, right now!

Skunk reminded me to respect myself enough to know that I will get there in perfect timing and to walk with the self-assurance that I will attract to me what is perfect for my next step. Mouse reminded me to pay attention to the many pieces of wisdom and learning in each of my creations, no matter how small because our souls are infinitely creative and there are many levels of learning in every moment.

All of these insights brought me to the reminder that our ascension is right here, right now. Each detail of each moment we experience in this limited time and space also holds all of the wisdom that we need to lead us Home. The more we allow ourselves to be fully present, the more fully we experience each ascension moment. We don’t need to hurry, but we do need to pay attention to know that it’s all right here.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

You Are Beautiful

You Are Beautiful

I’ve recently been reminded by my soul that being kind, forgiving and accepting of others flows directly into being loving and appreciative of myself- and vice versa. We cannot see the beauty in others that we are unwilling to see within ourselves. In honor of that insight, I was guided to revisit a blog post of mine.

In a 2017 episode of Oprah Winfrey’s “Super Soul Sunday” (1), she featured an experiment on self-perception conducted by BuzzFeed. A group of volunteers each stood for a few minutes in front of a two-way mirror sharing their perceptions of themselves while other volunteers secretly hidden behind the mirror were taped sharing how they perceived that person. Then, the volunteers were shown their particular video about their positive features. Time and again, those features which others noted as particularly striking or beautiful in the person were the same aspects that the person disliked or doubted about themselves.

One volunteer shared that he was self-conscious of his round face, especially his cheeks, yet his nice cheek bones was one of the features that the secret observers said they appreciated. Another admitted that he didn’t feel particularly manly, yet one observer saw him as definitely masculine and another as a “cool guy”. One volunteer said that she was self-conscious of her dimples, yet one of the observers commented that he really liked her smile, especially her “cute dimples”.

Upon seeing the strangers’ comments about themselves, many of the participants were blown away by the differences between their self-perceptions and the impressions of others. One participant said, “You’re better than who you think you are. And… you’re enough just the way you are. So be kinder to yourself.” This could be a message directly from each person’s soul.

Marsha Hankins has twice posted a wonderful blog called The Parable of the Cracked Pot about the beauty of a cracked pot that thought it was lesser than others because it was broken. Then the water bearer pointed out that the water it leaked along the path had helped beautiful flowers to grow for others to enjoy. It is the illusion that we are lesser than or broken for being unique. What we may perceive as flaws are hidden strengths that are still lost in the illusion. All we need to do is shine our light of awareness to see the truth and beauty of the perfection underneath.

Ask your soul to help you answer this question: What beauty within are you still hiding from yourself and the world? In her blog “What Gifts Do You Have to Offer?”, Lori Rock reminds us of the value of continuing to look for ways to bring forward our uniqueness, both for our own healing and for our part in helping heal the world. In closing, she shares this wisdom: “As you embrace your own self-love, your gift for each other will flow easily and your adoration will surely show you as the wise one you are.”

picture courtesy of FrankWinkler on Pixabay

1 “Geneen Roth.” Super Soul Sunday, created by Oprah Winfrey, OWN, originally aired April 30, 2017.

Owning Our Divine Creativity

Owning Our Divine Creativity

Do you sometimes doubt your creative abilities? Some people identify with their creative aspects early on and pursue the path of an artist, dancer, writer or other fields traditionally labeled “creative”. Others may live their whole lives believing that they are not creative in any way. But divine truth is: to be human is to be creative. To be divine is to be creative. And we are all divine.

There is creativity in the way an engineer designs the structure of a bridge. Of course, there are principles of physics and math involved. But there is creativity, too. And there is creativity in math itself! There is creativity in problem-solving, parenting, rule-making, athletics and healing. There is creativity in getting dressed in the morning and making breakfast! We each do it in our unique way. On a fundamental level, every action we take, thought we have and sentence we speak is an act of creation. Every experience we have in every moment is our creation. We cannot not be creative!

As divine beings, part of our spiritual path is to expand how we see ourselves and the world, how we define our creativity and the limits we place on that creativity. Expanding our light is an act of profound creativity. Knowing this fundamental truth about our nature can feel exhilarating, scary, uncertain, daunting and uplifting. But it is most certainly liberating. You have creative freedom in every moment.

This may be a good time to check with your soul and make a list of ways that you are creative in your life. Allow yourself to be surprised. some creative expressions you may have long believed about yourself and others may open up a whole new way of experiencing yourself and the universe. You are a creative being! Own it, honor it and celebrate it in every aspect of your life.

Image by Beate Bachmann at Pixabay

Every Step Counts

Every Step Counts

Have you ever wanted to make a big change but weren’t sure where to start? It can feel overwhelming trying to figure out where to start on the road to a major shift. In Standing in the Light®, we teach that the best source of guidance is your own soul. Checking in with your soul at each step of the way will reveal the highest frequency path. But trusting that each step will lead you to your ultimate destination, even when you can’t see how the steps relate, can be its own challenge.

Sir David John Brailsford made a name for himself in the cycling industry with his “marginal gains” philosophy. Within several years of becoming the British cycling team’s performance director, they won their first Olympic gold medals in almost 100 years. Four years later, the team won more Olympic cycling medals than any other nation and continued on a years-long winning streak in various world championships and international races. Brailsford’s philosophy was that making even a 1% improvement in every aspect of cycling, no matter how small or mundane, would combine to create a significant overall improvement in performance. No aspect of cycling was too small to consider, right down to reducing dust particles on the equipment. And it worked. His philosophy was discussed in Great Britain for years and used in many fields outside of athletics, including business and education.

In spiritual mastery, even a subtle shift in our energy field and intention can create a significant change in our experience. The higher our frequency, the more powerful each choice we make in how we resonate and how we focus our intention. We can each do our own version of reviewing our choices, including the seemingly inconsequential ones, to see where we can shift another 1% more into alignment with the divine plan. Much of our spiritual journey is the accumulation of small choices made to become a little more conscious of our creations and allowing a little more Light. The big leaps forward can be fun and exciting, but there are also significant opportunities for lasting change in the commitment to a steady approach and attention to detail.

We will soon reach the halfway point in the calendar year. Many people do some form of visioning at the beginning of the year but lose track of where they are with those intentions throughout the year. This mid-point is a perfect time to do a self-evaluation with your soul and see where you can make your most effective changes to either get back on track or even expand what you’re working toward creating. Little changes now can create miracles further down your path.

Image courtesy of:
Adrian on Pixabay

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