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The Creator Orientation

The Creator Orientation

Are you looking at the world from a Victim Orientation or from a Creator Orientation?

In the Standing in the Light® Gathering and Teaching from July 2019, we discussed the Karpman Drama Triangle. In the 1960’s Stephen Karpman proposed that until we heal our drama, we are acting as a victim, a persecutor or a rescuer. We can move between these three energies very quickly. First, we might feel victimized and then we point the finger at someone else blaming them for our situation. We may want to be rescued or we could act as a rescuer for someone else because we believe they are a victim. The variations are endless as long as we are looking at the situations from the Victim Orientation. Many of us in the Standing in the Light® Community have worked with healing our unhealed issues by asking ourselves which corner of the Karpman Drama Triangle we are coming from. Are we acting as the victim, the persecutor or the rescuer?

What if we change how we look at the triangle? What if we look at it from the Creator Orientation instead of the Victim Orientation?

In 2005, David Emerald wrote the book called The Power of TED*. TED stands for The Empowerment Dynamic. In this book, Emerald introduces the audience to the terms Victim Orientation and Creator Orientation. Similar to Standing in the Light® teachings regarding how to look at the world from the 5D perspective instead of the 3D perspective by flipping the pyramid upside down, Emerald flips the Karpman Drama Triangle to look at the situation from the Creator Orientation.

In Emerald’s model, the victim corner of the triangle becomes the creator corner, the persecutor corner becomes the challenger corner, and the rescuer corner becomes the coach corner.

The idea is that the situation we find ourselves in may be the same but how we look at it will change the outcome. If we continue to look at it from the Victim Orientation we see a problem, we have anxiety from the problem and we react from that energy of anxiety which fuels the problem.

If we take the same situation, we find ourselves in but flip the triangle so that we see it from the Creator Orientation we look for the vision or the outcome versus looking at the problem. The energy that we feel is passion for the outcome not anxiety. Then we take baby steps in order to get us closer to the vision and outcome we desire.

For the Standing in the Light® students, does this sound familiar? Obviously, Emerald’s teaching really resonates with me! The Christ teaches us the 3R’s of manifesting. We focus on what we want to create (Receive the Vision), raise our frequency with positive energy like passion or whatever energy speaks to us (Resonate) and then we take the action steps to create it. The action steps may include Releasing the Blocks (the third R) in addition to taking steps in the outer world to bring the vision into fruition.

What I really like about Emerald’s model, The Empowerment Dynamic, is looking at the characters in each corner of the triangle in a new way. We can take a situation we are dealing with and name the victim, the persecutor and the rescuer as we see them. Then flip the orientation to The Empowerment Dynamic and see who the creator is (us).

We can identify the “challenger”. The challenger may be a constructive challenger, like a mentor or facilitator that challenges us to move forward and challenges our beliefs to help us heal. The challenger may be a deconstructive challenger like a boss that we really don’t like but who challenges us to really ask what we want and to help us move forward out of an uncomfortable position.

We can find the coach who sees the creator in us all and helps us on our path. This can be a friend, facilitator or teacher.

Of course, from the Standing in the Light® or Light Worker perspective, our own inner guidance can and does play all three roles as our most qualified aspect of Creator, Challenger and Coach.

We can ask for help from other humans and from our own inner wisdom. Sometimes we need the assistance in the physical world and sometimes we need it from the spiritual world. Many times, we need both forms of assistance. This does not mean we are a victim or need rescuing. It means WE ARE CREATOR and we are discerning how best to bring that energy to ourselves and to the world.

Let’s practice flipping our perspective from the Victim Orientation to the Creator Orientation. WE ARE CREATOR. WE ARE SOURCE.


Learning to trust my antilocking brakes

Learning to trust my antilocking brakes

How do you drive in the snow and ice? What is the standard come back? Very carefully.

I learned to drive on country roads in Kansas. My dad shortened a snow shovel handle for me to fit my petite height in case I didn’t quite manage to keep my Gremlin (with Levi Strauss blue jean interior) between the ditches. I only had to use the shovel a few times! More than once, my mom and I parked at the bottom of our 10-acre plot on the main dirt road and walked because said Gremlin might not make it up the side dirt road to our long dirt driveway in the Kansas snow and ice. None of this was a burden to me. Just prudent and self-sufficient.

Back in the day, we were taught to drive in snow and ice by pumping our brakes and turning into the direction of the skid to stop more quickly and safely.

Fast forward 40 years, the brake technology is different but the instincts and old patterns are hard to break. Modern brakes are antilocking on snow and ice. If you pump them, you actually are negating the whole “antilock” aspect of the brake. The way the new brakes work is that you put firm steady pressure on them and let them do their thing. Presumably, that is the safest way to navigate snow and ice.

I had occasion to use the antilocking system two or three times in the last week. Every time the brakes worked as advertised but it was really hard in the 15 seconds or so that we were still sliding to feel like I was at the mercy of the procedure that has changed since I first learned how to drive. In all three instances, the car stayed in its lane and stopped appropriately. For my own piece of mind, I was quite glad that the roads were not overly busy and I was not in danger of running into anyone else.

The mirror for being willing to change my ways when I have new technology and procedures that I can use was not lost on me. Am I as equally willing to give up ideas, beliefs and cultural mores that I was taught as a teenager forty years later when they no longer serve me or there are more evolved methods that I can rely upon? My answer is “for the most part.” Although I do not trust 100% of the time the information and guidance I receive from my Higher Self / Soul, I am making progress. I am still in the “trust but verify” position with more reliance on “trust” with every day that passes. Once I feel like I am aligned and connected to my guidance, I am willing to take the leaps of faith and step into that wisdom more and more.

Just like the antilock brakes, I try trusting the guidance with small items and when I am feeling safe. This allows me to gradually rely on the guidance for bigger or seemingly more important situations.

Ask your Soul, what techniques and beliefs do you need to upgrade to 2022 version vs. the blue jean 1980’s version? What small steps can you take to be more willing to trust your inner wisdom? This will help you weather any storm.

May you know and trust who you truly are. Namaste.

Gratitude to Theresa McGee from for the cute image.

Giving and Receiving Light Energy

Giving and Receiving Light Energy

At this time of year, many cultures emphasize giving and receiving gifts. Marsha, Ginger and I have written various blog entries over the years to add our take on this universal custom. This year with a similar theme, I will approach it from a different way. Instead of writing about the benefits of giving and receiving, I am being guided to help you EXPERIENCE the benefits of giving and receiving Light Energy.

Specifically, look at the accompanying image by one of my favorite creators on the website, Gerd Altmann. This image is a set of hands handing a ball of Light Energy to another set of hands. In my meditation this morning, I used this image to feel, understand and experience myself handing myself all the energy that I need. Let’s see if this meditation works for you too.

  • First, get into a comfortable position – seated, lying down, dancing or walking in nature – anything that helps you get into a meditative mood.
  • Start to take cleansing breathes. Really allow deep inhalation and slow exhalation to help calm and relax yourself. Allow however long it takes to become peaceful and in the flow. If this is the only step you are able to do, it will be beneficial in and of itself!
  • Start to visualize the ball of Light Energy to fill your heart. Slowly expand it to your entire torso, then your legs, arms and head. If it feels good, continue to expand this Light Energy as guided. Again, if you only make it through to this step, you will feel the benefit.
  • When you are ready, visualize this powerful image of you handing yourself a ball of Light Energy. Maybe start to play catch with the ball of Light Energy flowing back and forth between the multiple aspects of yourself. Feel yourself within the Light Energy, merging with the Light Energy, knowing that all aspects of you are Light Energy.
  • Give and receive this gift of Light Energy from yourself to yourself. Know that you are worthy to receive and give because You Are Source, You Are Light Energy.
  • Be willing to spend as much “time” in this space as feels right to you.
  • When you are ready, gently close your practice in any way that feels appropriate to you – bowing to your own inner wisdom and yourself as Light Energy.
  • Be willing to come back to this feeling anytime even when you are not specifically doing a full meditation. If you become stressed or worried, bring this Light Energy, this feeling and/or this beautiful image back to you in order to raise your vibration and remember who you truly are. You Are Light Energy. You Are Source.

With profound gratitude to the creative energy of Gerd Altmann, may you experience yourself as Light Energy, always.

Hollywood Piercing the Veil

Hollywood Piercing the Veil

What did you think the first time you saw Fantasia or The Matrix? Did you find them entertaining? Did they make you ponder what appears real in our world and what doesn’t seem real? Those who met Kris Duffy probably remember her discussing both these films. When The Matrix first came out in 1999, Kris’ Soul told her that it was the decade’s best movie that pointed out that we are in an illusion. Knowing that couldn’t be the end of the information, Kris asked what was the best movie of all time to point out the illusion. She was guided that it was the 1940 Fantasia movie. What other seed planting movies might be coming to a theatre near you?

I have seen a few movies lately that were interesting. I might have read more into them because of my belief system, but the synopsis of both probably were inspired by more than just 3D storytelling and with movie goers in mind.

Nine Days

Nine Days is described well by the Washington Post reporter, Michael O’Sullivan. “Nine Days, an existential fantasy about a group of unborn human souls going through the application and interview process for the job of life, makes for a fine, live-action companion piece to Pixar’s animated feature Soul, which was one of the best and most life-affirming films of last year, in any medium. Writer-director Edson Oda, making an auspicious feature debut, has devised a deliberately stagy — yet surprisingly effective — device to make his point: Life should not be taken for granted.”

For others of us, Nine Days can be another nudge to ask our own Higher Self /Soul what we still need to explore to more fully embrace the idea that we are in an illusion of the third dimensional world. Then, to take the opportunity to heal any fears or blocks that might come up as we remember who we truly are. Nine Days might also raise false beliefs in us that only a chosen few “make it”. Or that the chosen few might be chosen for their ability to play the third dimensional game vs. being chosen just for the experience of being human. Those were a few of the “ah ha” moments for me. You might be guided to see what comes up for you while watching the film. (Writer’s note – I was able to borrow the DVD through the network of libraries associated with the Poudre River Valley Library District.)

Free Guy

Free Guy is a fun movie that mirrors piercing the veil of the illusion. It has the feel of The Truman Show meets Ground Hog Day – which both could also be on the list of movies that help us question the illusion.

Here is the description from the Disney Wiki page. “Free Guy is a 2021 American science fiction action-comedy film directed by Shawn Levy from a screenplay by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn. The film stars Ryan Reynolds as a bank teller named Guy, who discovers that he is actually a non-player character in an open-world video game called Free City. He then becomes the hero of the story and tries to save his friends from deletion by the game’s creator.”

I didn’t have as many “ah ha” moments with Free Guy, but probably enjoyed the lightheartedness of it more than Nine Days. Either of these might make for an interesting evening of entertainment for you.

Perhaps more poignant is that those of us who write and read this blog are not the only ones who will have the potential to see the bigger issues that are raised by these films. Others who may not have ever heard of the illusion or the experiment in duality, nonetheless, are being exposed to these concepts in ways that might be more agreeable to their needs or their personalities. That gives me hope that we will be able to reach more of humanity and to help all to awaken to the truth of who we all are. Thank you, Hollywood, for helping us to piece the veil.

Gratitude to Kellepics from for the image above.




Healing Self-Sabotage

Healing Self-Sabotage

What are your most embarrassing moments? Do you have them in your mind?

I mentioned to a friend of mine recently that two of my most embarrassing moments in my life happened in the last couple of weeks. Well, as you know, be careful what you put out to the universe. In the trifecta of my embarrassments, number three was this week too! I had really hoped that I was done making these sorts of faux pas. Which of course, is why I am guided to write about these today. My “mistakes” aren’t over yet. I am still engaging in unforced errors that we might call of form of self-sabotage.

In the outer world, my self-sabotage comes from being too impatient and wanting to be efficient. Of course, rushing through things may seem efficient but it isn’t always effective. I am like the quote usually attributed to Winston Churchill, “You can always count on the Americans to do the right thing after they have tried everything else.” That is me sometimes. I don’t have time to do it right, but I do have time to do it over.

In my inner world, my self-sabotage comes from not listening closely enough to my inner wisdom. Many times, this stems from not slowing down enough to listen to the little voice of concern that flashes in my consciousness. When I get these little hits, if I would just take a moment to ask, “is this something I need to check in about?” or “is there some information that needs to come to my conscious awareness,” a lot of heartache and seemingly negative consequences would be avoided. But, I am still learning. And I need to stop beating myself up about the fact that I still have lessons to learn.

With many issues, rolled up with the self-sabotage are the elements of self-judgment, lack of self-forgiveness and lack of self-worth. As I try to master listening to my guidance, I will also need to master trusting and following my guidance, too.

With these ideas in mind, let’s take a couple minutes to ask our souls for guidance. Ask: what form does my self-sabotage take? What do I need to heal in order to self-sabotage less often or not at all? What energies or frequencies will help me with healing self-sabotage? Are some of the energies I need Trust, Non-Judgment, Self-Forgiveness, Worthiness or Surrender to the Plan? Take a few moments to write down what will help you. Once you are done with this inventory, set your intention to clear or heal the aspects that need to be cleared. Set the intention to hold the frequencies that will aid you in healing your self-sabotage.

I am thankful to Gerd Altmann with for the lovely image accompanying this blog entry. It helps us to remember that Being Yourself is You Being Source. You Are Source. We Are Source. Be Yourself.

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